Top 5 GPU’s For Crypto Mining

Sterling Specter
7 min readDec 28, 2022

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№5 — GTX 1660 Ti/Super

Number 5 is going to be the Nvidia GTX 1660 Ti and the Super version, when it comes to mining they are pretty much identical so i’m going to group them together. Now when judging these cards i’m going to show the hashrates and efficiency for the most mined coins currently, these are in my opinion Ergo coin, Ravencoin, Flux, Kaspa and Conflux. These all have different mining algorithms so it gives you a good range of how these cards perform. So when we look at the spreadsheet we can see the coin and the algorithm here, and then efficiency, power and hashrate on each coin. Then here we have the price of the card right now in today’s market. Currently the prices of all cards are relatively low so now is one of the best times to actually get into gpu mining and accumulate some hardware before the prices spike again. Now I want to also explain that these figures are my own personal numbers so i could vary for your cards depending on the overclocks. Now these figures are just to give you an idea of what these cards can do but what i really want to talk about is the card itself, so the 1660 super and ti are very efficient cards but they don’t come with too much hashrate. You need a lot of these cards to produce a large amount of hashrate. These were probably the best ethereum miners as they were cheap and efficient. This will be the same for the future when coins start to become profitable. Now these are turing cards so they probably have the best efficiency on the flux algorithm and this algorithm relies heavily on the core of the gpu and not the memory as much. Now the price of this card right now is around 100 to 140 dollars and this is cheap but I think they will be selling for less in the future. They were previously selling for 80–90 dollars resale before the 2021 bull run. I think this card is a great starter card if you are trying to get around the high electricity prices and you want some cheap hardware.

№4 — RTX 2070

Number 4 on the list we have the Nvidia RTX 2070, now I know this card is slightly old but it’s also a great card for mining flux. Basically all 20 series cards are very efficient on the zelhash algorithm. The reason I’m choosing the 2070 over the 2080 and 2080 super, is that it’s slightly more affordable and you could put together a great flux rig for a small price with these 2070 cards. Right now the price ranges between 240–280 dollars which is still a bit too expensive as they are only really good on one algorithm. They still perform well on Ergo, Kaspa, Ravencoin and Conflux but there are better cards out there for these algorithms. As we can see if we compare the efficiency of the 2070 with the 1660, we can see it is less efficient on all algorithms except the zelhash algorithm. Overall this card is more of a specific card for one major coin, but it will be very average on other algorithms as well.

№3 — RX 580

For the number 3 spot we have an extremely cheap card with good efficiency, this is the AMD RX 580. Now before the mining boom in 2020 and 2021 you could get one of these cards for around $30 which is really cheap for a GPU which is actually good at mining. Many people will have 580 rigs which had a very short ROI time. Even if you wanted a large 10 GPU rig then it would only cost you $300 which is the same price as just one GPU at today’s prices. Currently you can pick one of these cards up from 80 to 120 dollars. As you can see in the hashrates and power of these cards you can get great efficiency and this is because these cards run at very low watts. These cards are great yet I have one problem and that’s because AMD don’t have as much support when it comes to gpu mining, normally cryptocurrencies are modelled to be more efficient on nvidia GPU’s as they are the most popular, however this means that most miner programs tend to be behind when it comes to driver support as they want to update the Nvidia ones first. I have seen lately that AMD cards are starting to become the same priority. One of the many perks of all AMD cards is the power consumption, while nvidia are coming out with power hungry cards, AMD has decided to go down the route of efficiency. Overall on average it makes AMD cards better at mining in terms of profits with these tough electrical prices. The best coin to mine on this card is probably Firo or Ravencoin.

№2 — RX 6700 XT

Now coming at number 2 on the list is another AMD card and it is basically up at number two because it’s a souped up version of the RX580, this would be the AMD RX 6700 XT. This in my opinion is the best AMD card you can get for gpu mining, even on different algorithms. I would definitely say this card would be best to mine on either Ravencoin or kaspa, the new update for lol miner allows more hashrate for AMD GPU’s on the kaspa coin network and there is an update from minis miner which allows for more hashrate on the zelhash algorithm for flux. So with these new miner program updates you can get even more hashrate on AMD GPU’s. This means they can get even more efficient than they previously were. Now these cards are a bit more expensive than the previous ones so the ROI will be a bit longer. The price of one of these cards can be from 250–300 dollars but are well worth it. Last thing I want to mention is overclocking AMD cards, they do this in a different way from nvidia cards so overclocking won’t be the same as nvidia cards.

№1 — RTX 3070 Ti

Now let’s get to the number 1 gpu for crypto mining in 2023. This is the Nvidia 3070 Ti, so far this has been the best gpu for mining pretty much any coin, when mining ethereum they were brining in almost 2.50–3 dollars a day per card, which is really good when compared to today’s profits. It has consistently been very efficient as we can see when we compare efficiency of the other cards. The 3070 ti was very good at mining on flux, Raven and ergo before the merge. But right now it’s extremely good at mining on kaspa coin, even with the high cost of power you can still be profitable on these cards if you are mining kaspa at anything below 12 cents per kilowatt hour. Now these cards still are priced relatively high because they are also great for gaming, you can get them from 400–480 dollars but they are well worth the price. Alternatively you could spend a little less and go for a 3070 or 3060 ti as they are very similar cards in terms of mining. I think overall they will perform great in the future and will hold their redial price as they are still in high demand. I also want to mention the new 4070 that will be coming out in 2023, this card could be very good if it’s anything like the 3070. Right now the support needs to be updated for these new cards as they come out so it could take some time after the release of the 40 drivers to actually fine tune them to the best of their abilities. However if the 4070 is anything like the 3070 then I’m sure it will be one of the best cards for mining. Overall if you want the best card for all algorithms then go for a 3070, if you want the best card for flux coin I would go with a 2070, if you want a very efficient card I would go with the RX 580 or the RX 6700 XT.

